Lures for the Landlocked

Lures for the Landlocked

(Beware of Savage hooks)

  Splish-Splosh, guess who lives in the Alphabait Soup?

   (Light box 8x4ft, containing over a hundred fishing lures)


This work was informed by events that took place 30 years  ago and a mile from land when I found myself overshadowed to shore by a large barracuda as the eye of day drew tight. Becoming just another pale scrap of live bait is equally informative and humbling. 

 Being an old believer in the noble art of angling, I thought I’d try to turn all petty human concerns into one huge bait-ball with helpful angling ‘tips’ to lure any predatory fish lost in our heads. 

Parasitic texts cling to each fishing lure. They may seem naive, at turns savage and bestial, the fishing ‘tips’ are  delivered  by a very ‘helpful’ moral authorial character at some distance from their creator.